Investors with innovative business ideas that bring economic benefits to the HKSAR can apply for an investment visa under the general employment policy to work in the hksar. 投资者若有别具创意的业务意念,能令香港特区的经济受惠,便可按一般的就业政策,申请投资类工作签证来港工作。
Women who apply for jobs in the middle or senior management have a higher success rate than men, according to an employment survey. 据一项就业情况调查显示,申请从事中级或高级管理工作的女性比申请同等职位的男性就业成功率高。
Job-seekers may apply for jobs through referrals by job centres, the telephone employment service centre or direct approach to employers where appropriate. 求职人士可按需要经就业中心或电话就业服务中心转介工作,亦可在适用的情况下自行联络雇主直接申请工作。
They apply for a number to use in employment for which they have not obtained permission from the INS. 他们申请社会生活保障号码是为了从事未获移民归化局许可的工作。
Years before, I even did not bother to apply for Employment Insurance benefit when I was unemployed. 几年以前失业的时候,我甚至都不屑去申请索赔。
On completion of their studies, students on an F-I visa may apply to the INS for permission to accept employment for practical training in a field related to their course of study. 持F-1签证的学生完成学业后,可向移民归化局申请许可在所学的有关领域受雇作为实习。
How to apply for a job and obtain employment is not only a problem on which students and their parents pay many attentions, it is also a problem as a focus of higher college especial higher professional college. 求职与就业不仅是学生和家长关注的问题,也是高等院校特别是高职学院关注的焦点问题。